saw this on my reading list and realized the two covers are the same, even the characters and their poses but the artstyle's different. not saying the artists copied one another or anything but its kinda hard to believe it when theyre side by side lol

True but it’s also something more general among isekai romance and I kinda hate it. Something like 80% of the male leads are black haired (with straight hairs too). And now more and more of the female leads have red hairs (I guess because it looks fierce). They already had the same hair cut, eyes shape, clothing style.... Do the standardization is getting overboard
believe it or not this is far more common than you think
look up "fabio book covers"
that guy littered your mother's bookshelf
so i did this and the covers literally look like theyre just different volumes of the same book ahshdhhd
dude made a killing modeling for those covers
HUGE in the 80's and 90's,