I hate it when parents are so obsessed with traveling the world, that they'd rather take a VIP trip to Europe rather than raise their own kid. They'll leave their kid alone for months on end doing who knows what, I mean don't they feel a sense of guilt? Don't they feel guilty at all leaving their kid all alone to make their own meals, walk themselves to school, etc etc while they're having the time of their lives at Niagara Falls? I mean I get it if it's for work and earning money to fend for the family and all that, yknow works comes with responsibilty. What urks me though is how parents choose world travel over raising their kid, like whyy would you have a child if your just gonna leave them behind constantly to go see the Eiffel Tower?
You could at least take them with you once or twice, rather then zipping off every week for Brazil. Can it even be called parenting if they're not even THERE to watch their kids grow up? Just shove them off to the grandparents and off you go. I'm sorry if I offended anyone who grew up in this environment, I guess it's better if the kid's okay with it, but it just seems... irresponsible to me. Sorry, I just had a thought and needed to get it off my chest, sorry. I feel better now. SO anyways.

@The Kardashians