Chess piece review ch1 cuz I hate myself
The chapter opens up with a corpse(?) and the probable ML is doing something shady to it :D then he returns to his house(?) and looks at a board with some photos of seemingly random people. Then the author cuts to the scene where the mc finds his dead goldfish because he didn't take care of it properly…? Anyways his thoughts sound like something out of a 13yo kid’s diary, there's an attempt to get philosophical about a dead fish but overall it's very cringe. He claims that it's not his fault that he's ghosting somebody called Lee Suncheol?? He's ALSO is being stalked for two fucking weeks?? Later on we find out that Lee Suncheol is dead… so like, how do you ghost a dead guy? The dead guy’s coworker walks in like it's no biggie wtf. We also find out that MC is a prostitute with debt to pay so, male what you will out of that idc. Then we find out that MC has disturbing thoughts about killing people every day so that’s normal:)), anyways the dead guy’s coworker drives the MC to somebody’s place for some reason and later on gets murdered while MC gets fucked. Later on MC gets questioned by the police and he secretly gets happy because he sees this murder as a sign from god??
Thanks I was gonna read that
09 03,2021
rip to the goldfish
09 03,2021