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Oh yes, because people on Mangago really want to learn what you do after masturbating   reply
07 03,2021
Tbh I felt the same way for a while but then I stopped caring. It's really not that deep at the end of the day. Sometimes people are just weird and if you're wanking to weird shiz who's gonna know??? Legit no one unless you tell them. Just do what makes you feel good at that moment and try and do things more meaningful when you're not horny. Then y......   2 reply
07 03,2021
I did in the past. But my prof in psych class said to us once that you should not be embarrassed of things that are innate. Its not bad as long as you're not hurting other people and it wasn't causing you impairment to function as a human being. Plus masturbating elevates the mood by ya know increasing hormones in the brain. My point is, never hate......   reply
07 03,2021
That's just post-masturbation clarity and its normal to feel that way. A reason for it may be because of how when we were younger and were taught that sex/masturbation was sort of "dirty" or wrong. Another reason could be due to all the hormones you feel after masturbating. When doing the deed, hormones like dopamine (which plays a role in how we f......   1 reply
07 03,2021
Why can’t y’all keep this shit to yourselves.   reply
07 03,2021
new additions to my collection   2 reply
07 03,2021
I really need to keep things to myself   1 reply
18 11,2023
Why am i still alive   1 reply
07 03,2021
Nawh Bc who’d know anyway, I’m just too sneaky.   reply
07 03,2021

be a dumb bitch

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