This was when I was still living with her I’m with my dad now but after my parents divorced my dad asked me to stay with her so he could buy a new house and furnish it and then I could move in with him. We didn’t tell her but she was really happy that I chose to stay with her though she still but didn’t trust me and put a camera in my room without me knowing in case I said anything about wanting to stay with my dad. I said it one day and she yelled at me, slapped me and took my device and shit. She then talked about how she carried me for nine months and she could have killed me but I’m alive rn. I thought she had the right(putting cameras in my room) as she was my mom and it was her house. After I left her house I told my dad and he told me that it’s not normal at all...
God, that's really toxic... I can understand protective parents to an extent, but putting cameras in your room? That definitely isn't normal. Also the talk about killing you is NOT okay at all. Maybe your dad should have a talk with her or something.... I don't really know how to deal with that. But I do hope you're okay! reply
Yeh thats not normal, I'm sorry. I hope you're in a better environment now sweetie. I think in a way that's kinda controlling that she did that. I mean, if she found out you said something abt it. It means she was checking the cameras often. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. In my opinion moms always use the excuse as of they carried you in ...... reply