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cheating [Answer]
naoyuki 06 03,2021
I did not have any relationships but i think I wouldnt cheat tbh BUT FOR EXAMS- thats an exception:') Id cheat if i desparately need to pass that exam or smthn   reply
06 03,2021
cheating [Answer]
✨Levi In A Maid Dress✨ 06 03,2021
I've never been in an a relationship However yes I cheat on exams sometimes B) I know, I'm such a baddie We gotta love calculators and that's on periodt   reply
06 03,2021
cheating [Answer]
Lumi 06 03,2021
Nah I'm the one that gets cheated on and on exams/test I don't believe so? I did let people cheat off of me tho well it was once and it was in middle school because the guy was so stupid I felt bad if I told him no probably the first A he got on a test in his life   reply
06 03,2021
cheating [Answer]
Kughz 14 05,2021
Not on big exams but the smaller mini tests sometimes cause I don’t know how my teachers expect me to memorise a whole sub-topic in 3 days whilst having 8 other subjects   reply
14 05,2021

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