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Yeah. I was like 12 or 14 (can't remember) and I was in a swimming pool and wore a bikini. All of a sudden (I was alone then) this guy started talking to me. He said something completely random like 'nice weather isn't it?' and I just stared at him because I was a really shy person and didn't know what to do because someone I didn't know talked to......   4 reply
29 07,2016
I've never been harassed physically, but I have been verbally.   reply
29 07,2016
twice I've been the subject of attemted rape, both times it was by the same three boys, old clase mates of mine. let me say this I was terified. I'm gay and that was their reason, like "you just haven't met the right man yet". After their first attemt I took up karate and learend self defence. They luckely never got anywhere in either attemt.   5 reply
29 07,2016
i have, in fact i lost count of it since there're too many incidents to remember may it be my relatives, people in my neighborhood, schoolmates, professors, or even strangers that sits beside me in the bus on my way home . . . they're everywhere -_- i don't even understand as to why they would do that to me since i'm too thin and have a body of ......   2 reply
31 07,2016
Ugh sadly yes. Men can be the worst sometimes. Where do I start? My uncle used to like look at me creepily and touch/rub my butt (when I was 11!!!!! Wtf(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸) and I told my family and it became a whole thing with the courts and stuff. I have a restraining order on him now. Then I got groped on the train, which I didn't think even happe......   4 reply
31 07,2016
I was sexually assaulted when I was 14, and harassed constantly after that. I still have trouble even holding hands with guys, so I became a cam girl to get some release without physical contact :/ Seeing a therapist now, so I stopped camming, still have troubles in RL. :P   4 reply
31 07,2016
I have been sexually harassed a few times when I was in summer camp. It happened at the start of the last week of camp. Each day we choose different activities to participate in, but my schedule was changed because I didn't have fun at the first two weeks with normal schedule. I was drawing (manga characters style) all day, and to my surprise I did......   reply
31 07,2016
I have been stalked to the point where the girl would photoshop pictures of us kissing having taken pics while I was not watching, and spread it all around, then coming by my house at all hours and driving me crazy. In primary school I was molested by a boy of the same grade but he was scary and I did what he told me out of fear and then just shut......   reply
09 08,2016
Well twice for me , even i'm a male , when i was 5 years old by old man 50's~60's lucky me could escape before anything happen , also was there were people near by , 2nd time i was 14 by my cousin female 40's , just pushed her hands away after she started touching me , then left the room ... All i can say this world really filled with creepy and......   3 reply
03 08,2016
When I was like 3 or 4yo by other kid who was also 3 or 4, what the hell -.- there was a bunch of us local kids playing together and he just went and grabbed my crotch while telling me some gross things (I don't remember what). he did that to other girls too. we could tell he didn't do it innocently, out of curiosity like other small kids...probabl......   reply
04 08,2016

first kiss

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