Cum4 is shadow banned??

Nye Nye 2021-03-01 03:56:02 About set something on fire
Cum4 (Cm4) is shadow banned. here is their homepage:
and look through their activity

They can't uproot?? What is going on with Mangago?


Petitenoisette June 22, 2021 11:45 pm

it says i dont have permission to access their page-

coffin applemilk March 1, 2021 6:36 am

why is mangago shadow banning nice users?? what?

rono March 1, 2021 5:12 am

Omg I went on her answers and I don’t see those anymore she’s probably been shadowbanned

Tyra the turtle March 1, 2021 4:59 am

Idk but a lot happened while I was gone

set something on fire

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