Yes, in a bittersweet way though

ALisAnimeLover ALisAnimeLover 2018-07-17 23:59:35 About shoujo like moment
When I began attending university, I had a very close friend who was my first clingy friend. We'd hug whenever we met, and we'd fangirl together about anime stuff.

One moment I'll never forget are when she hugged me from behind, then another friend of ours said we're too sweet then I even obliged by hugging her hand even tighter.

Then there was also that time, after an exam, when we were waiting for our common friend to finish, she put her head on my shoulder and I put mine on her head.

But that ended when she shifted out of our degree (I soon did too, same university but different degree). We gradually became less close as friends, and she got herself new friends. That's the time when I realized I actually liked her.

That's about two to three years ago. Now she has a girlfriend, and we're no longer close friends. But I'm fine with that as long as she is. That's just life after all. Bittersweet.


Uzumakii_Fan12 July 18, 2018 12:26 am

This is cute, it reminded me of the song 'almost is never enough' by Ariana grande for some reason. I'm sure you will meet someone that you can share happiness with :)

ALisAnimeLover July 18, 2018 4:51 pm

Thank you!


shoujo like moment

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