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1) "why do u have so much acne" or "do you have acne?" Like no bruh i'm a mozarella pizza wdym 2) "why are you so short" like one day i woke up wanting to be 4'11??? 3) "can you present yourself to the class?" No need to speak, it's just a big no. 4) "why do you keep reading these chinese comics at your age?" Omg if u knew..   reply
21 08,2020
"How are you?" It may be a simple greeting question and else, but it's one of the most irritating question. I do believe "How are you" is a philosophical question that needs introspection and I don't like to think about how are feel, because deeply inside, I'm unsure and insecure about the answer. Yet, people cannot understand that and actually, i......   reply
21 08,2020
So I have a last name that can be used as a second name, so every time people ask me to say my full name I say it and they go "What's your second last name?" (Cuz where I live we have second last names). I just go "=_= L***" and they just keep asking "no no your second last name" and it just a back and forth conversation of me explaining that that'......   reply
21 08,2020
Nobody is prob going to read this but whatever- "Why are you angry?" I have an extreme resting bitch face. I look angry when I eat, when I shit, when I breathe. I look like that one bara gorilla from Tarzan that's pissed all the time. It's too much to explain so I just say I'm tired. "Are you stupid?" This doesn't count when I really lack common ......   1 reply
12 08,2016
The type of questions I hate been asked are: 1) "Why can't you be a little nicer?" If you deserved it then I'll be nice but if you don't then I won't 2) "How can you have a crush on a manga/anime character?" I'm just not interested in 3D The question I really hate the most is 3) "Why can't you be more like your older sisters?" They are them and......   reply
30 07,2016
Questions I hate the most: 1) "Why are you so quiet?" Well sorry, at least one of us is using our brains 2) "Why are you sarcastic? If you were less blunt, you'd have more friends" Go away I don't care 3) "Are depressed? Is that why you're quiet? You can trust me with your issues" Wait, I have issues? I'm a happy person... 4) "what careers are you ......   2 reply
30 07,2016
"Why are you so mad?" "Why can't you do it?" "Why are you so obsessed with *insert interests here*?" -any questions asked by fuckboys- -any persistent questions related to my romantic life such as: "really? you don't like anyone? are you sure? it's impossible. you must be 'dating' someone, right?" "Why are you so weak?" > like just because ev......   1 reply
30 07,2016
Right now the 2 most questions I hate are: 1. The infamous "Why are you so quiet all the time?" Bitch, I'm quiet because I want to be. & 2. "Why do you always look so annoyed?" I hate this one SO much. I have a resting bitch face. It doesn't fucking mean I'm always necessarily pissed at something or annoyed!   reply
30 07,2016
Okay so one that annoys me would be instances where I go to lunch, or two a break at work and when I come back I'm standing there waiting to take back over my area and the other employee comes over and asks if I'm back yet. In my head I'm always like naw duh, otherwise I would t be standing here waiting for you to finish with the customer, or runn......   reply
31 07,2016
1) i hate when people ask what they already know 2) "why you're so quiet?" "why you don't talk?" it's ok when people ask me this one time. but when they ask it more than 2 times, i get really mad. it's not like i don't talk. i just talk with people i know, not with every single people (just to know, i'm very bad at places where i don't know anyone......   reply
08 08,2016

first kiss

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