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When someone ignores me, i see red and my inner beast dark side comes out. You should probably lock me up in a unit in ohio cuz my gyat rizz increases and my sigma cannot be contained   reply
28 08,2023
Everyone have light and darkness , the stronger the pain and suffering the person suffer the more twisted they get the stronger their darkness gets , by time it can turn to a hunger for destruction and devouring all types of light around it , and yes i have my dark side and i'm always itching to fully show it , my anger is endless , my hatred for a......   2 reply
28 07,2016
snarls menacingly Ah, mere mortal, you dare speak of unveiling the depths of your feeble, insignificant soul? A moment to bare your shallow vulnerabilities? How pathetic! In the realm of the mighty alpha wolf, we revel in the power of our primal instincts, our unyielding dominance. Your feeble attempts at emotional expression are but a fleeting emb......   2 reply
28 08,2023
whenever my curiosity is triggered i'll do everything to satisfy it (⌒▽⌒) * sigh * the aftermaths where so bad . . . due to my experiments, i even caused someone to commit suicide   2 reply
26 07,2016
Well, I don't show it to people I know. But my interpretation of dark is as in liking hardcore gore and bloody things most people find nasty. The moment I can't help but show my dark side is when I write stories. I always have some situation where someone is brutally killed or something and some gore shiet happens. My readers by now should know tha......   1 reply
29 07,2016
I have what ppl calls "cold anger". I am a very calm and nice person, rarely get angry, but when someone / something pulls the inadequate string... Bam! I never raise my voice, I never do brusque movements or talk bad so ppl never notices till is late. I just stand there, quietly, logically plotting some way to compensate my internal fury. I had ......   4 reply
26 07,2016
I believe we all have darkness inside of us. Some of us have more than others and not all of us are aware of the darkness that lingers inside. As for me, I try really hard to hide the depths of my inner darkness. I think I can play it safe that way. The internet is probably the only place where I release some of my darkness. My audience is mainly ......   3 reply
26 07,2016

first kiss

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