Mental breakdown time :D
Its all my fault i'm a dumb bitch because if i just paid attention in class then maybe i wouldn't have such low grades
Its all my fault that i procastinate because its just so simple, just stand up and study and do work but i can't even do that
Its all my fault that i have a short attention span because its not as if i didn't have a choice, i could simply pay attention. Boom. Problem solved bit guess what i did? I didn't pay attention therefor its my fault
It all makes sense
This is why i became a worthless human being
Just a waste of air
I just became the daughter of some parents i'm not even worthy of
Some other smart kid should've been their child not me...
Maybe if i just kms then maybe that might lead them to get a new kid. A better, smarter kid
Its not as if they would care
I'm just another mouth to feed. Another annoyance. Another waste of space. Another waste of money
Well anyway that's what i came here to ask you, what's the fastest and most painless way to die?
the pressure is real, i feel for you.
but wouldn't you rather put effort into your studies? a short attention span is curable. my niece had the same issue so she made a rigid schedule and limits her own phone time. its a self enforced thing so she feels in control of herself and it actually works. the pride you will feel in yourself is amazing
1 reply
23 02,2021