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Rape is definitely worse, no question about it. Although there are varying degrees of emotion pain you can feel from having a significant other cheat on you, being raped is just so much more worse because not only do you have to deal with the emotional trauma but the physical trauma as well. Being raped is basically having your bodily autonomy v......   1 reply
01 07,2018
Are you seriously asking that question....?!   3 reply
01 07,2018
Of course it's rape. Its sad that it's even a question. In my opinion reality or fiction do not matter- rape is a horrifing crime and when I read mangas with rape scenes in them (which are alot obviously) I always feel sad and disgusted... I don't undarstnd how people would prefer a mc that raped rather than one who cheated.   3 reply
01 07,2018
Some people fetishize rape, others find excuses for it, some don't like it but just ignore it and keep on reading (because rape is everywhere), and so on. But cheating is probably more hated than rape because of the intention of the author. Cheating is meant to actually make readers upset and hurt, while rape is a way of """acting""" on your feelin......   4 reply
01 07,2018
I mean most people that defend it in manga keep a clear border from what is fiction and what's reality. I'd obviously say rape is worse as someone is being forced without their consent. Of course cheating is bad too but rape affects a person more. Or that's what I assume, I'd be concerned if someone finds that cheating is worse unless they can c......   reply
01 07,2018
Comparing rape to cheating is crazy   1 reply
29 08,2023
I see a lot of people on this thread saying things like, "why are you even asking this question?" but I get why OP is asking this because, I have seen it many times on this site too. A lot of times when a yaoi manga has a rape scene, the response to those scenes tend to be positive saying it was "hot" or "sexy". Yet on the other hand when yaoi mang......   2 reply
02 07,2018
2018 was fuckin crazy for yall huh   reply
29 08,2023
r*pe is forced penetration and fucking disgusting. cheating's disgusting too, but they are on two completely different spectrums. in no way do i support or condone cheating, but r*pe is a million times worse. ppl on here are hella toxic so i stopped reading a lot of the comments tbh. like i'm a big fan of potn and ks bc of the plots, ofc the sex sc......   reply
03 09,2020
Rape ofc cheating isn’t shit compared to rape.   2 reply
21 11,2020


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