- Don't try to gatekeep porn,pornographic content is meant to be fetishized.
- People don't wanna know if you tickle your bean or not while wacking off to
any sorta porn,so just stop posting rhetorical qns about it.
- Stop being so fucking sensitive on a pirated site cause that shits retarded.
- Women can read BL without fetishizing actual fucking men,i know you're just
trying to spread the word around about how you shouldn't fetishize men but
saying the same thing again and again to the same audience ain't gonna
do shit.(at this point its getting so repetitive its boring)
- you don't need a title to represent what genre of manga you read,calling
yourself a fujoshi at this time and age is cringe and the meaning of the word
doesn't glorify what you do in anyway,so lets stop using it or not cause who
gives a shit.
(Now let me just watch the bout which most certainly is gonna happen)
Fucking thank you! I literally have the same opinions as you, but I don’t share them because I know I would get crucified quick (and also I don’t know how to do a post here).
22 02,2021