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Long story short: Sissy dearest made me read good ol' yaoi. Had a panic attack, followed by a mental breakdown. And now years later and I'm here fucking guys. Simple, ain't it?   1 reply
22 02,2021
Tbh I never really found men attractive I just had to accepted it also tiddys   1 reply
22 02,2021
Well, I always knew I liked boys. I couldn't deny it nor did I try. But because I was homophobic I tried throughout my teenage years to convince myself that I'm bisexual (I'm 22 btw). It seemed worse to be gay than bi, therefore I thought I had to like girls as well in order to 'fix' things. So I even dated a girl for a little while and after that......   reply
22 02,2021
I realized that simping for anime guys And celebrities didn't count Now I'm a lesbian   2 reply
22 02,2021
I grew up in a relatively religious family. We went to church most every Sunday, prayed over our meals, and bedtime prayers were a regular thing. However, my family wasn’t super strict about it all. My sister was an atheist, and Mom was cool with it. We were pretty much raised to be true to who we are. Another thing we were taught, was to lov......   reply
22 02,2021
in my first years of middle i was homophobic as fuck 2nd year not so much 3 rd i was accepting eith everything then fucking now im bi girls.. hot as fuck like -cant put in words- then guy like damn... just... damn i honeslt forgot what made me like the same gender it was a while ago   1 reply
22 02,2021
Im attracted to both genders.. maybe I'm still confused but I know that when I REALLY think about it Id rather fuck a girl than a guy,,, but a guy is maYBE A POSSIBILITY. [im a girl btw] I just know what my preference is and what I fantasize about My first crush was a girl who looked sort of androgynous so that was a start ig.   1 reply
22 02,2021
I never had a phase where I needed to sit down with myself and go "hey maybe I'm not straight", cause I knew. I didn't have words to put on it, but I goddamn knew I was a raging panromantic. It was always a question about how open I was about it-- I don't lie outright, I'm just more or less vague about it.   reply
22 02,2021
In 8th grade during a class I had an uncontrollable urge to kiss a girl who was my class fellow, although we never really talked. I got a bit scared that how come, I who thought liked boys suddenly wanted to kiss a girl, and so I searched what it meant and then I came across the term bisexual. That’s when I knew I liked both boys and girls.   reply
22 02,2021
I had my gay awakening when I was 11 or 12 when I realized I had a crush on my best friend at the time. I even gave her a quick kiss. She told me she didn't like girls but then just before covid she came out as bi. And I was fucking mad. I confessed to my very first crush and got rejected only to be told two years later that she likes girls now. Wt......   1 reply
22 02,2021