An awkward embarrassing experience
I was left alone in the house today and a delivery guy came in. He told me its for * my sister's name* and demands payment. I have literally no idea how much it is so i asked the delivery guy. He replied but I didnt hear it then,I asked again but I still cant so I asked another 3 more times but for some reason, my ear aint working and Im too shy to ask again so I just gave him a random amount of money in my wallet(200) and he told me " maam, the amount you gave me is insufficient, its supposed to be 350. Havent I told you earlier?"
Im dying of embarrassment after that delivery. Anyways have a good day/night to everyone. Its almost 2 am here and I still cant sleep because of that experience so I at least need to vent it out.
good night mako <3
Thanks Gaku, u too♡