Kids are annoying

[DELETED] [DELETED] 2021-02-20 14:57:28 About can i vent it out
I went yesterday to my mom's parents house since our grandpa died and there i met my young cousins. I have nothing better to do so I stay in their room and just watch them.
But those mfkers, they keep stealing my phone and when i hit the one kid in his head because he tried to throw my bag in the window,he cri his sht out.
Anyways, the same kid has a crush on me and I really want to respond "no fck you, we're cousins" but of course, I wouldnt do that.
They are also pretty homophobic and racist. They keep joking around that "youre gay", "disgusting, keep away from me you gay","you like that homeless dude in the street", " the dirty douchebag in our city likes you"
"You're dirty, dont approach me"
"Stay away from that black girl".
And have you guys met kids where when you speak they try to repeat what you said but in a way too much annoying manner? Because I have. Lotta times with them.
Some of them are even perverts for fck's sake, I feel uncomfortable.
The neighborhood kids are even worse, someone threw a rock at me when I arrived and they're staring way too much. I didnt even leave the house the entire time just to avoid them.
And of course, I still cant do anything about it since Im not their parents and theyre pretty naive since theyre kids.


Quincy~ February 20, 2021 4:01 pm

Tough life....

Mako February 20, 2021 4:11 pm

Yeah man


can i vent it out

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