I think I just saw a fucking rat in my kitchen but I’m home alone and don’t know what to do
I just had my groceries delivered too but I’m too afraid to go into the kitchen so I put the popsicles I ordered in my fucking window since it’s cold
I fucking sleep down here because upstairs is being renovated and I SWEAR TO GOD I HEARD A HISS
Now I’m just waiting for my mom to come home
If this has taught me anything, it is that I’d never make it alone
Let alone rats, I can’t even kill fucking small ass spiders

LMFAOOOO ig I went to the wrong address sorry for scaring u
Please get out of my kitchen
It’s 8:21 pm and I haven’t eaten all day
I just wanna put the groceries away (°-° )
Well.. rats don't necessarily run towards you so you can either,
a)Put up a safe trap
b)Chase it out with a broom
c)Wait for your mom.
I started crying and laughing after reading this
My only real option is my mom and she’s at church ;-;