PSA: You don’t need to publicly discuss your porn preferences

[DELETED] [DELETED] 2021-02-19 17:46:30 About searching a manga title
I don’t know who needs to hear this... actually, I know exactly who needs to hear this, but nobody needs to know what kind of porn gets you off at night. Like, *please* get some bitches.

Then there’s you heteros who just love borderline exchanging PornHub links to your favorite kweer pornos. Get a life.

“But it’s their private life! You shouldn’t judge!”

Yes I should. When some weirdo mf is on here saying they beat it to gay porn to hear the “uke’s moans,” I’m gonna judge them, preferably until they go outside and talk to a *real person* for once.

“Porn is meant to be fetishized and sexualized!”

No shit, want a medal for stating the obvious? Point is, it’s not that hard to keep it to yourself. Despite the purpose of pornography being to arouse the viewer, straight people gathering in holy matrimony to discuss the gay porno they got off to the night before *is* fetishistic of gay people and, surprise surprise, gay people don’t like being publicly fetishized.

Nobody is saying “straight people stop watching gay porn!” (although they should stick to their own lmao), because that’s an impossible ideal. What we *are* saying is shut the fuck up about it. Nobody would be judging you if you kept it to yourself because *then* we wouldn’t have even known about it in the first place. I don’t know why that’s such a difficult task for some of you.

Keeping your weird masturbation habits to yourself won’t kill you. I fucking promise.


alienplantcentral April 19, 2021 1:46 pm

i mean, people can talk about whatever they want, especially in a very female-dominated space like this site, since women's sexuality has been supressed and made taboo throughout the ages. it's pretty healthy to not view pornographic preferences as something that should be kept behind closed doors, that's how you get an unhealthy outlook on sexuality in general. maybe these spaces should be more clearly labelled and restricted to adults more than they sometimes are, but there's nothing wrong with discussing your sexual interests online. yes the internet is a public space, but it's not that public. i'm not announcing to the world with a megaphone that i like to read bdsm fics or w/e. talking to friends at a cafe where there's the possibility someone might overhear, that's not exactly the same thing. i don't exactly support divulging that stuff in like comments on mangas or posts where that's not very fitting, but talking about these things in general is healthy. sexuality is just a part of life for a lot of people, and as with all things, it warrants discussion and community (although there is of course a time and place for things like that)

how to date an anime boy March 1, 2021 8:33 pm

frr it's kind of.... i private subject? idk why people feel comfortable sharing that shit-

Lex February 20, 2021 9:37 pm


Okami07 February 19, 2021 7:18 pm

“You don’t need to publicly discuss your porn preferences”: do you mean all kinds of porn? Because at the beginning at the post it seems like that’s the idea but then you mention straight people talking about gay porn and the fetishism. Anyway I’m confused
I don’t like hearing about porn pretences in general. Like you know the straight dudes who share their big boobs porn between each other, I found that cringey.

METHod February 19, 2021 7:32 pm

the point is dont share your porn preferences online. which was mentioned in the opening sentence. The rest of the post, which directly ties into the point of the post, is vaguely referencing a post made earlier today. The people on this site that discuss their porn preference are usually straight ogling over gay guys getting fucked. Don’t know why I had to explain this.

Okami07 February 19, 2021 7:38 pm
the point is dont share your porn preferences online. which was mentioned in the opening sentence. The rest of the post, which directly ties into the point of the post, is vaguely referencing a post made earlie... METHod

Okay I see

min February 19, 2021 6:59 pm

I agree.
Talking strictly about this site, most of the people around here are KIDS. No one wants to know how you all 14 years old kids get off.

Axel February 19, 2021 6:58 pm

Spitting straight facts right here !! As an aromatic/asexual person I feel very uncomfortable when people talk about porn in public. Please be considerate to those around you and keep your fetishes and turn ons to yourself <3 Thank you!! (▰˘◡˘▰)

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