The Zodiacs as Ghosts
Aries: Hides in a closet and screams demonically at night
Taurus: Doesn't really do much, often found in inanimate objects
Gemini: Knocks shit over, scrapes nails on walls, smashes glass
Cancer: Comforts small children, acts as guardian angel, protects loved ones
Leo: Terrorizes crowds has a soft spot for children
Virgo: Re arranges everything, often haunts the same place
Libra: Shows up in mirrors, leaves clues where to find them
Scorpio: seeking revenge, haunts people that did them wrong
Sagittarius: Sets shit on fire
Capricorn: Summons Lucifer in people's homes
Aquarius: Possess people
Pisces: Little girl ghosts, often plays with other little kids and becomes their 'best friend', Can be either good or bad
So which one are you?
I'm an Aries and I totally accept my ghost type ( ̄∇ ̄") hehe
As a leo, i can confrim that with my sis she's a leo too but i don't like childeren. Or more like they don't like me even tho i try hard TT But i do have a soft spot for animals specially cats >///<
Don't mind the last one :)
And i feel like scorpio is kinda close to me too
17 02,2021