Christians are wack
As A christian myself, I'm can say this.
Today I went to the supermarket because I need to eat, there was a person at the door just preaching. I didn't have a problem with it, because freedom of speech and it doesn't bother me. Until me and my mom are coming out of the store and he fucking grabs me and says
"Do you want go to hell because you didn't believe in the savior, lord Jesus Christ?"
"Then turn from your wicked ways and believe in the love of Jesus."
he lets me go, and I was about to slap this man, for one Coronavirus! For two, I wonder if he did this to other people? and three, does this man know me?! I think tf not so why is he talking like he know me?
(also what he said kinda doesn't make a whole lot of sense since it should be the love of God.)
"Turn from your wicked ways."????
I mean, this is getting on my nerves. why is this happening to me all of a sudden? like, can I not catch a break?
I get he was probably just trying to talk to me but whenever something like this happens I get super uncomfortable. why can't i shop in peace.
As a Christian, I agree tbh. Those Christians are crazy but guys not every Christian is like that. I am chill and I got other chill Christian friends. So please don't think we are all like this
16 02,2021