I'm worried for my physical being
Last night my body was shaking so much for no reason at all
I was pretty calm and i was trying to figure out a reason why i was shaking
So i went out my room to go get the snacks my aunt gave me
That seemed to make me stop shaking so i went back to my room then went to sleep
I woke up at a random time and i wss feeling uncomfortable for some reason (you ever get that time where you're uncomfortable for like no reason at all?) i get uncomfortable for no reason at all sometimes so i didn't mind it, i was just trying to find a way to go back to sleep
Eventually i went back to sleep
Before you say anything:
I don't wanna talk to my parents about this because they'd just say
"iTs beCauSe of You uSinG yOur pHonE"
That's the usual response
Sounds like you’re starving yourself or not getting the nutrients you need. I’m not sure though, but that’s what happens to me all the time. The shaking and then feeling uncomfortable and sometimes even nauseous. Try eating fruits and veggies, they help a lot
1 reply
16 02,2021
Like violent shaking? The whole body or just part? Was it cold? Were you stressed or anxious? If not then it could be the beginning of something going on in your brain, like minor seizures or stroke, maybe its just a minor tremor but it could also be a side effect of medications. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000765.htm
16 02,2021
I’ve experienced that too. It might not be the same for both of us but for me it was because my blood sugar was low. (Aka I needed to eat) and I also get an uncomfortable feeling after a while if I haven’t eaten enough food. So for me it was just my body telling me it needed food. Though of course I can’t say for sure if it is the same you we......
1 reply
16 02,2021