Let's spark a debate on genderfluidity etc ovo
As I've understood it, genderfluidity has everything to do with how to present oneself in a social setting. So if you wear what's generally seen as masculine and speak generally masculine you identify as male, but the other day you might wear femme and identify as female
I see this as **problematic**(lol crucify me) to say the least, because I advocate fashion and hobbies etc to not be gendered. I like wearing baggy clothes and flannels, but that doesn't mean I identify as a dude. Genderfluids on the other hand seem to have the opinion that to wear what's generally seen as masculine, you need to have a masculine gender identity. To me this is destructive and counter-productive, and it takes us back to the times where women needed to wear dresses etc, only in a very tumblr sort of fashion.
What's your opinion on fashion and gender? Are you genderfluid? Am I a complete idiot and jackass? I would love to hear people's opinions on this! (=・ω・=)
I think I am genderfluid?
I don't really like to put words on to it because?? I don't need words to be who I am and I don't like to be categorized.. At all. In anything.
But I identify myself as female or male whenever I feel like it. It can change in minutes. I begin a conversation identifying me as a male and end it identifying me as a female. A......
07 06,2018