LINE Group Chat =D (for Fujoshis and Fudanshis)
Hey! Fellow fudanshi here! As the title suggests, I'm looking to make a LINE group chat because I just reset my phone so I lost all of my friends and previous chats ; n; (if y'all recognize me from my last post that's what happened v - v) I want to make close friends, so I'd like to keep it small and active ^u^"" If we don't really get along or you feel like it's a burden to keep in touch, don't feel pressured to leave; I want to make a chat where everyone genuinely wants to talk to each other! Some other info about myself so y'all can get a feel if you want to bother speaking with me :') I'm seventeen years old, a senior in high school, closeted (gay and fudanshi wise), and am living in the U.S. Hobbies of mine include reading Webtoons, yaoi (>u>), drawing, and playing the viola (like a violin). I'm making this chat so I can find a friend group I can be honest with about my interest in gay literature/comics, but I'd love if we could develop a lasting friendship beyond yaoi (shounen ai if any stickler asks) :^) Sorry for the long post, but hopefully this shows the kind of chat I'm going for. I'll post my ID below for those who are still interested in joining so... THANKS!
Ooo im interested. :) id: asocialtae
06 06,2018