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Jesus 14 02,2021
use someone else (a random person tho..) as exemple like: "you know that x is gay?" or "I saw two girls/boys kissing each other at school", and like.. wait for their reactions. If there's none, ask them what they're thinking about it. That's what I did with my friend.. and have found out they're really homophobic :D but anyway..   reply
14 02,2021
[DELETED] 14 02,2021
I tested with my mom by asking what she thought of gay people and she dropped a homophobic bomb on me so ig I’m not coming out anytime soon lmao   reply
14 02,2021
14 02,2021
It’s always the “I support lgbtq+ people” but when you come out they suddenly do a 180 degree attitude change parents for me   reply
14 02,2021
14 02,2021
Firstly, know that no way in the Bible does Jesus in the Bible ever condemn homosexuality, after all isn't Jesus, like with many messengers, is a Prince of Peace? According to the Bible (1), Jesus is qouted as saying: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great c......   1 reply
14 02,2021
ReviewRaptor 14 02,2021
Just ask them in a neutral way. Tell them you heard people talk about the topic and ask them straight up. Fortunately I have parents who don't give a damn about that, so I know that asking in a roundabout way that CAN hint towards yourself isn't exactly something you should try unless you have experience with it and know people don't catch onto th......   reply
14 02,2021

be a dumb bitch

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