Keep your moral judgements about what's disgusting to yourself

Quicksilver Quicksilver 2021-02-13 21:33:38 About y'all opinion about incest
It's not disgusting. Thinking so is prejudice. It's imposing your personal feelings onto someone else's private life. You don't get a say in what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. It disgusts me when people say it's disgusting.


Bald Sangwoo June 4, 2021 11:37 pm

Yes, because encouraging people to practice incest and put babies with deformities and heavy disabilities into this world as result of incest is perfectly logical.

Gay Rose Loops March 10, 2021 2:10 am

Bruh, it's weird ok. 2 people that have the same semen and popped out the same pussy are in love with each other...You grew up and developed a cush for your younger sister- i cannot you can say "it's not disgusting" but really be a 100% honest how would you feel if you had 1 boy and 1 girl and they both grew up to love each other? Not as siblings, but as lovers. I have to admit i'd be highly disturbed and would prolly disown the little shits. Incest is something that should never ever in a million times be normalized. And it's worse they are DIRECTLY blood related not cousins, not step cousins, not half siblings, fucking blood related. It's disturbing and hat's my input on it.

kya February 13, 2021 10:42 pm

"I respect you, but not your belief":

- I respect you as a human being: I won’t insult you, hurt you, persecute you or kill you.

- I will respect your human right to believe whatever you want, no matter how absurd it is: I won’t insult you, hurt you, persecute you or kill you for what you believe.

- I will challenge, criticize and argument against your beliefs if you expose them publicly and affect me in some way: If you make an idea public you are putting in into the debate arena and it becomes the subject of an argumentative battle with other ideas. Those are the rules of free speech and those are the rules of argumentation since the Greeks invented democracy. Freedom of speech means that you can say whatever you want but also that other people can say whatever they want, even things that challenge and attack what you said.
If you make your ideology (and belief is an ideology) public you have to face the consequences. If you are not willing to defend your ideology or feel threatened by your opponent’s arguments, then don’t make your ideas public. Keep them to yourself and live a happy protected by the two previous rules.
Anyway, a belief that can’t stand criticism is not a belief worth believing.

Quicksilver May 30, 2021 6:53 pm

I think you missed the point. The amendment is about being free from prosecution for merely expressing your opinion. Why do some people fail so miserably to understand this? Didn't you study history in school?

ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀᴍᴇʟᴏɴ♡ February 13, 2021 10:41 pm

Hmm agreed. Not a big fan of incest but this goes for everything. Sorry that my morals is not fucking high up my ass that i enjoy a sick story plot.

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