group chat to learn and to help
since i dont have a group for stuff like this.
we could, you know, discuss history bits, science stuff, or random facts to exercise those brain cells.
what better way is it to learn with other people?
we could discuss and share snippets or knowledge about absolutely anything.
just. if you're wishing to share a knowledge or idea you recently learned but none of your friends would listen or not interested at all -- this group chat is perfect for you.
or if you just want to learn some facts, then yes, come forth.
or maybe, you just want to improve yourself by knowing or discussing.
WELL THEN, what if we can also help each other with our homeworks or essay or research or thesis?
they do say that multiple brains beat every odds.
so join me now ^O^/
dont leave me alone (>///<)
Leave your LINE ID there and i will add you. dont be afraid to share your opinion. dont be afraid to join me. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
id: kookykolai
I don't have that much to share atm expect maybe nihongo, but I like a little knowledge once in awhile. (๑´ڡ`๑)
1 reply
30 05,2018