Hi idk how to solve this yaoi addiction. I am on here everyday reading yaoi for hours straight and cuz of it i started to fail in school and my bf left me after i told him he'd look cute with his bsf. Idk i try to shower and eat but i cant cause i think "oh i could be reading yaoi instead of doing this." ik its bad and unhealthy but i cant control it. It's been a couple weeks since I last showered and months since i washed my hair but i have no motivation anymore. any tips? please. anything will help. (yes i tried internet breaks but i keep coming back here)
It's not the yaoi, you're the problem gurlll, you should know your limitations and self control and especially learn to "prioritize" things
Who put yaoi no.1 on priority list? Lol you. Anyways good luck with your studies. reply