Furries tend to get a bad rep most of the time, but I think the majority of them are actually pretty chill and it’s just that the small percent that are toxic get more attention. Also most people immediately relate being a furry to some sort of sexual fetish when that’s just not true. This article probably explains it better: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/11/14/us/furries-culture/index.html
I don’t consider myself to be in the furry fandom, but my best friend is a furry, so I guess I know more about it than most people. It makes me so sad to see my friend get a bunch of hate comments and even death threats on her tik tok just for wearing a costume. She’s not even a big account, yet people still feel the need to berate her :(
To be honest I mostly see them in a negative light cuz as you said I really only noticed the toxic side of the fandom but I got to the beast stars side of TikTok and I like it there. reply