Spooky stuff
It wasn't a secret that Yingyue adores his child.
He was the last of them anyways.
The child Is Extremely attached to Yingyue as well.
They are rarely ever seen apart. If Ying Yue isn't carrying the small boy in his arms, the boy is usually nearby playing. It was understandable why he protected the boy so much. (plot-point-ish) There was even a rumor the child was his actual son, and autumn was the mother. Of course, that would never happen.
But over almost a Year Yingyue had noticed some peculiar things about the boy. The child was remarkably quiet and unbothered. The child often Bit his skin leaving long-lasting marks and cuts when stressed. And Because Yingyue Had realized long ago the kid couldn't hear well, it was odd the kid knew how to speak when never being taught how to. often saying
Meaning "Father"
That wasn't Solarian It was Noonian. They were nowhere near Nooniua. So Who taught the boy to speak?
Acassionly The Boy Seems a bit off putting. He stares right above Yingyue's shoulder most of the time, so times He bites his skin, sometimes He gets so frightened he cries. It often worried Yingyue That The child was seeing something he couldn't. Yingyue Was even more concerned, How sometimes seems to be playing with someone even though there is no one there.
When he expressed His Worry Autumn And Jiru they both dismissed it as the child's imagination.
"Maybe he has a scary imaginary friend?" Autumn said
"Yeah, Why are you being like this?" Jiru Added.
Yingyue Doubts that they were wrong, But he doesn't rule out the option of it being himself. (He does have a reason for it)
This worry only seems to grow as he gets older.
Is What they liked to call the Child, Yingyue Never gave him an official name because he was bad at naming. When The Child was old enough, he would choose a name for himself. (Ryuu) The Child was Now eight and to no one's surprise, the family only grew bigger. the kid now had two older siblings and one younger. They were all completely different from him. They were quite loud and active. They all seemed to be extremely smart as well. Sometimes Rain's only friend Rae Comes over, She Will often fawn over gifts Yingyue never got for Rain. And Rain didn't tell him where they came from.
Whenever Rain writes It seems to be about someone else. an example would be one day when Rain brought a poem he made to Yingyue.
Rain Raises up the paper to Yingyue's face. Rain Had neat handwriting for his age. It was in cursive which was not how he normally wore.
Yingyue Read the poem.
It was almost a perfect poem describing Leah. Leah had been dead for years, and when she was alive, Rain was much too young to remember what she looked like.
The poem portrayed an almost fairy-like girl With Coral rose hair, bright turquoise eyes, and her trademark mood-changing flower on her head.
Although It came off as more shock and disbelief this was almost confirmation that something was clearly wrong and he wasn't seeing It.
(Fuck it, I made this a horror story kinda and now I actually have a plot...sort of)