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[DELETED] 09 02,2021
No you aren’t wrong. That bitch doesn’t deserve a second of your time fr. You deserve better. Please don’t lower yourself to her level. I made the same mistakes in the past and tbh it’s better to be alone than with friends like that   2 reply
09 02,2021
09 02,2021
no ur not in the wrong ur friend seems like a toxic friend though might as well cut her off too   reply
09 02,2021
[DELETED] 09 02,2021
You ain't in the wrong, she's just a leech. Just give her wrong anwsers once, to put her down in her place.   reply
09 02,2021
09 02,2021
She sounds jealous and toxic.   reply
09 02,2021
Fantasyland 09 02,2021
My guy. Fucking leave her be and let her see just how much she depended on you. And you need to find new friends. It's better to be alone than have friends like that. I know how you feel, I went through a similar phase when I was younger and my advice to you is to just leave her musty ass   reply
09 02,2021
Missy, girly, baby, fairy listen baby drop her ass rn she toxic asf DROP HER ASS. U r waaay too good for her. Go find urself some better friends bb u deserve better!!   reply
09 02,2021
09 02,2021
why tf are u still friends with her get away from her as soon as possible. I don't understand how people have the audacity to do sht like that, but you need to leave that girl immediately. If she's not grateful bout u helping Jer then just let her be. Stop talking to her and if she asks for something say no or bring up an excuse. If you care for he......   reply
09 02,2021


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