dumb past me

Velmeee Velmeee 2021-02-09 12:37:54 About ever gotten heartbroken
I had a really huge crush in this dude in 7th grade. By huge i mean BIG HUGE not small huge(as in HUGE guys, HUGE) I dont consider it as love now, but maybe i considered it as love back then. We are not classmates so I dont see him quite often. But i have friends in his class so i have an excuse to be in their classroom lol. My friends dont know i like him, so i lowkey used them to see him(im sorry, it was for love,,,, lol jk)

Then it was break and me and my friends were hanging out in their classroom. Then my crush entered the room. And as i was following him with my gaze (not in weird way ok) he sat beside this girl.

By the time he sat next to the girl, my crush's friends entered the room. And as they saw their friend seating beside a girl, they started teasing them.

Soon enough the whole room started making noises, like whistling and teasing sounds. Then my friends beside me, started saying things like "i think dude has a crush on daisy" "hes always with her" (im naming my crush as dude and the girl as daisy)

That event really hurt me. I think this was my first heartbreak. I was not ready for all that stuff. I think i cried because of that. I cant really blame the girl because she is so lovable, tbh i really like her personality

But thinking about it now, it was just because im ugly.

LOL JK. I dont really think about it now, because it was all in the past. But remembering my self at that time. Its weird. It just showed me how much i grew as a person........ welp thats it. Idk what to say anymore,,,,,,, byeeee

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