Human fucking beings man...

NightmareWhisper NightmareWhisper 2021-02-07 04:05:07 About done with people
Alright. Here's something I don't understand about people. There are SO SOOOOOOOO many issues out there. We got pedos, we got rapist who get away with rape and get little to no time for ruining someones life, we got child molesters, murders, criminals, fucking human trafficking, kids are dropping out of school at high rates, people are poor ,starving, and so many more. But despite ALLLLL... of those problems that are currently happening. People decided to get angry and spend all their time hating on two consenting people who love each other but just happen to be the same gender. I don’t get it I literally don't get it. It is the stupidest shit. Being act like being gay is the worst thing ever. Even if it is wrong. Which it isnt. HOW!? HOW IS ME LOVING ANOTHER WOMAN WORST THEN EVERYTHING I PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED!?

I don't know why I even bother trying to understand the "logic" of these piece of shit homophobic assholes.


Dettol✨ February 8, 2021 10:33 pm

indeed. i just wanna think of nothing and i always think about how HUMAN society will never survive without a class/ rank. we're just too greedy for the better things ahead of us, rise in status and power, once we see a chance for power we'll reap it.
BUT like is that our fault? yes and no is my answer. because we're being brought up in such a society so of course others r gonna affect our mindset, but like HOW TF did society come to such a point? we cant turn back with all stuff we created including how the old generations brought up their children to be at this point.
all i can wish for is the current generation to raise their children well because we're living in the time of an extreme "modernization and technology" and watching how everything turns into those HIGH tech gadget movies with holograms and stuff u know? lol

tapiobo February 7, 2021 5:07 am

mOTHERFUCKING PREACH. i don’t get how they don’t like it i mean if you could put a piece of flesh into you to make children, why can’t two people make out in peace like leave me alone it’s my life not yours

Illumi's Simp February 7, 2021 5:07 am

we're quite the problematic race. makes me wonder why god or whatever made me a human instead of something else


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