Is this pedophilia?
So yesterday i joined a group and later there's one guy from that group asked how old i am, and i reply "messages me personal" and after he asked my age, he want my pic and i send my ugly pic (ik i'm dumb) and then i asked him how old is , then he say 25 and i was like ohh okay.... then i said "bye don't chat me", but he says to me like this " you look so cute, how about you be my girlfriend and i reply "no you older than me!!! I only 13 u pervert" and then he says it's okay bae i don't care about ur age, i only care about you, then he says he want to video call with me and i said "don't call me you pervert" and then he was like okay bae i won't call you then i says bad word to him then i say "i'm gonna block you" after i block him i left the group, so that's my story also tq for reading this i know this is a little bit dumb lol ( i think this story should be on storybooth lol)
yeah definitely a pedophile
07 02,2021