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yup, only once though . . . i got flustered when i entered uni 'cause i suddenly got really popular to the point of having stalkers at some point one of them chased me in a corner and tried to kiss me so i felt the need to get help and asked one of my friends to pretend we were going out he was like my bodyguard, constantly on my side . . . until......   reply
26 07,2016
Yeah totally! I remember back in high school, I had asked my friend that if this one boy asked me out, her and I were to be dating. Nothing like letting a guy down easier than pretending you aren't interested in their gender to begin with :P   2 reply
14 07,2016
Yeah.. I asked my Male Best friend then that I wanted to know who likes him in our class so we should pretend to be dating to see who's who .. And it's just a couple of days, My Actual crush congratulated me and I felt guilty right there and then so ... I asked my friend to stop because of that ... then He stopped talking to me ... years later, a c......   reply
14 07,2016
I haven't done that myself, but I've been asked to. During a trip to China, I kept getting harassed by random men and street vendors. A friend I had met on the previous day decided to pretend to be my boyfriend so they'd leave me alone. I could enjoy my trip free of harassment. (⌒▽⌒)   reply
26 07,2016

first kiss

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