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I had no clue ppl actually used this argument, Chile anyways...   1 reply
04 02,2021
who said that?   1 reply
04 02,2021
[DELETED] 04 02,2021
Okay dont mingle us stable bitches in with...THEM.   reply
04 02,2021
tf who said that- i think u misunderstood what they meant or their are just ---   reply
04 02,2021
04 02,2021
what, people actually used that as a argument? U know what, I agree with u   reply
04 02,2021
04 02,2021
YOO NOT KIDDING THO I'm batakness (One of the biggest and most popular tribe in Indonesia) and we LEGIT can marry our cousins as long as you dont have the same family names. For example, if you are a girl (female, so your kid will have your husband's family name) and have a brother (male, so his kid will have his and your father's family name) the......   reply
04 02,2021
04 02,2021
not really about legality, religions enforce it on them peoples....seemingly to avoid adultry or doin sum with an older man or sum...honestly its annoying that people still think its ok   reply
04 02,2021
04 02,2021
people actually think that’s ok?   reply
04 02,2021
Miss Nobody 10 02,2021
There is no right in this world right is what you think is right how do you know what your actually doing is good because some people told you? People make up what they think is wrong and is right there is no proof behind it but to keep piece and make almost everyone happy they added this rules of what they think it right. Let's say we had a rule i......   reply
10 02,2021
stan bts 04 02,2021
lmao these mfs think social justice includes defending every culture and tradition smh   reply
04 02,2021

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