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from where do u want me to start from when i was nearly raped when i was 8 or the recent shit im living rn ? i lived until now a really weird life   reply
04 02,2021
I was using Ares Galaxy to download some naruto amv videos and it came out as a bunch of boys(kids) having sex It was disturbing I was like 12 yo at the time I deleted the whole program after that   1 reply
04 02,2021
when i was a kid I thought nothing could really get to me, until I went on this page that described in excruciating detail of this Japanese girl that was tortured for weeks and eventually died. Honestly the worst thing I’ve ever read in my life & I’m trying real hard to repress it so I haven’t bothered to search up who she was or if it was r......   4 reply
04 02,2021
MWAHAHA. A event that scarred me you ask? The time where I was 5 and my gay cousin ripped off her shirt and got into bed with me. What happened after that? I slept like that for the rest of the night   reply
04 02,2021
tw// when i was six, i went into the toilet with my cousin and saw his dick. when i was 8, i discovered porn. when i was at least 7-9 years old, i went to my other cousin's room to play on his console only to be held in bed and felt up. my little brother was there but he was too young to know what's going on. what's worse is during that time period......   reply
04 02,2021
TW/ ABUSE I have a few. My mom trying to beat me up like 5 times when I was in 4th to 5th grade and actually succeeding 3 times. TW/ MENTION OF RAPE Someone in our school group defending that a man who raped 20 girls shouldn't go to jail because he felt bad for the man and “it would be such a shame”? And a lot of people in my grade are still ......   reply
05 02,2021
One time i was a little 7 or 8 year old nerdlet. Around said time I walked into my kitchen like it was any other day. My parents were talking and, upon noticing me come in, my dad shushed my mom. I stood there, unsure of what to do. I was smart enough to figure out that they were talking about me, but I didnt know what. So I left the kitchen immedi......   reply
04 02,2021
i was on the FAMILY'S ipad that we ALL shared one night when i was like 10 and i went to the photo app, scrolled down to hidden photos (i was curious bc there were so many of them), and looked through the whole album. i cant unsee any of it. the worst i saw was my mom giving my stepdad a bj and then pegging him...   reply
04 02,2021
My mom died when I was six and the last memory I have with her is begging her not to leave me (she was going to her friends' engagement party and she was murdered the same night)   reply
04 02,2021
I was touched by one of my dad's cousins I was groomed by my cousin who is 18 now (I am 13 now) Another cousin of mine sexually harassed me(I have a crush on him now lol) A different cousin tried, but my brother felt something wrong and got in the way, thanks will Now I like watching rape play porn and love gore so yea that's something also I get ......   reply
04 02,2021

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