Love story

wakusei wakusei 2018-05-07 18:31:37 About falling inlove
There is this Japanese guy. Let's call him Taro. He's in his mid-twenties now. When Taro was in Junior High he preferred to hang out with his friends rather than thinking about girls. Something that some of his friends thought were a bit weird. Just like in a BL manga they started to ask him if he was gay and made fun of him. When a girl wanted to date him he quickly tried it. They went on something sort of like a date, they sort of kissed (but it felt really wrong) and they broke up after three days. After that Taro managed to avoid people questioning him about his sexuality (most of the time). But as he grew older and his friends got girlfriends he started to feel like something was wrong with him. Maybe he was sick? Because he never felt anything for any girl. Never. After being single for so long his younger sister eventually asked him, "Oniichan, why haven't you ever had a girlfriend? Are you gay?". He answered "no", of course! But it made him wonder. Especially after he went to college and a girl told him that she liked him. He really wanted to like her! So why didn't he? He turned her down. He took some time to think. To really ask himself, "Taro, are you maybe... gay?". He was giving up at this point. Wondering if maybe he had to start looking for guys be able to fall in love.
This story surely sounds like the perfect foundation for a BL story. I can think of a few which resemble parts of this!
But as a matter of fact there was one girl. They met online by pure chance. She had been single for almost 7 years. Not really a relationship to brag about. None of the others for that matter either. But there was something else all of the relationships had in common. They were all same-sex relationships.
When Taro told her he liked her, something that had already been very obvious for a while, she freaked out. He was cute and all but he was a guy! She turned him down in a panic and felt awful.
Then they met.
He hadn't stopped feeling the way he did. She was surprised to find out that apparently she could return those feelings. And that's the story of how me and my boyfriend got together. He though he might be gay, and I was gay. But love finds a way, I guess.
He doesn't know I read BL. He doesn't know that I feel inspired to write a story about his life until we met. So I felt like I could at least share it with someone who might enjoy it.


Blubeagle May 7, 2018 8:22 pm

My husband and I have a similar story. ♡

TheStardust May 7, 2018 8:08 pm

that's amazing~ love is really mostly about the person and who they are. (▰˘◡˘▰) It's not always the orientation, in my opinion. Most people use labels such as straight, gay, bi etc. But I don't thing there's any clearly defined line between those.
And this comes from an avid reader on this website

PhoenixFyre May 7, 2018 6:55 pm

I like it. You never know.

KQueen May 7, 2018 6:44 pm

aww this was really sweet and interesting story :)

falling inlove

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