should i be worried?
so i have this memory when i was of my cousins went with me to the toilet and showed me his pp. i don't remember much else about it. all i know is that i want to get rid of it because i can vividly imagine it and he was only three years older than me so its like seeing someone underage when i remember it.
i don't think it should be worrying, right? it can't really mean anything since he was only 9. maybe i remembered it in the wrong context? would this count as traumatic? should i tell someone about this?
another memory i have is someone i know taking me to his room saying i could play on his games console but he just hugged and groped me instead. should i tell someone about these? is this bad?
i'm scared these might have traumatised me since sometimes i feel like i'm not clean when i shower. i also have a lot of sexual urges. i also have some nightmares too that are related to pedophilia, cousins and incest. should i tell someone? please help me what do i do?
if you even remotely think that the discomfort you’re feeling now is related to these events, maybe you should talk about it to someone you trust/ someone professional if you have the possibility to do so. don’t let your daily life be destroyed by someone who abused you/ made you experience a trauma, even unwillingly :( it’s your choice tho, ......
01 02,2021