so um I saw this on tik tok and it was this: 1f y0u h2ve pr05blem 0f m3 d01ng th1s th2n l3ave (i can't quite remember what she/him said that) and she/him didn't translate it at all and there were full hate comments on that post. I think the comments said that very rude to do that from people who can't read the text and do not understand.
so what you guys think?
I translate what I said.: if you have a problem of me doing this then leave
How the fuck do y'all need a translation when all they did was replace letters with numbers... People have been doing that for like, literally forever, it's basic shit... reply
If you are someone who needs to use text to speech to read or are someone who has a reading disability then yeah you can be mad about that. Pretty sure that the majority of people who were complaining about it don’t fit into those categories tho. reply