How do you handle the important people in your life who keep letting you down?
My best friend just recently took the board examination for the 2nd time. When he told his family that it was so hard, harder than the 1st one last year, and he thinks he may not make it again, one of his family members told him to just quit it and just look for another job or study another course. I wasn't able to talk to my friend in those months he was studying because he was so focus about it and he worked his ass off so that he'll pass the exam this time but we're talking about board exam. A lot of people know how hard it is and failing is, unfortunately, part of it.
So yeah, he was so depressed when he told me about it and tbh, if I were him, I would probably get angry to that person and might cut him off in my life because what that person did just create such negativity in one's life. But of course, since it's a family member, I couldn't tell that to my friend since he's very loyal to his family, no matter how they keep letting him down.
I don't know why there are some family members who act like this. Family should support each other. What happened to my friend somehow made me realized why a lot of students commit suicide. Why there are people who would rather die instead of seeking help.
If you were in his position, what will you guys do? What good advice should I give to my friend?
If his family isn't going to support him, how about you do it?
If I were him.. that's what I would want.
05 05,2018