N word pass yes or no?
There is this white girl that came to are group recently like for the past 5 months dont get me wrong there are other white people an Algerian and a Turkish who classes herself as white. One day we were just hanging around near the toilet them all talking and the black people in the group saying the n word or something, me a black person myself as a test I remarked to the new white girl in the group "were gonna have to give you the n word", to my surprise she said "I got that long time ago" (me being the not regular person to hang out since I regularly went to teachers for help with school work since GCSE'S were nearing didnt know of this) everyone started laughing and I guess I showed an outward appearance of happiness but really I just felt disappointed *I dont give a damn if theres an n word pass or not you shouldn't say it.*
I never said anything since I didnt want to start an argument.
I'm going to a different sixth to that group now.
Thank you whoever you are reading all this.
I remember how I used to say the N-word while signing songs or talking to my friends cause I didn't know it was offensive I thought it was used for calling black people and not in an offensive way cause where I live nobody really pays attention to racism and things like this but when I learned that it was wrong I felt re......
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29 01,2021