Quick question
Are you the type of person who wants the whole package
The type of person who gets satisfied with the manga/manhwa/manhua regardless?
Example for the first one:
"The story has a bit of plotholes but its still pretty good! I'm looking forward to the future!"
"The art is missing shading and the realistic textures and props don't match the art. If this keeps going on i might actually drop this :/" (which ofc it will because the manga/manhwa/manhua was just translated and didn't come straight from this website)
Like you're paying too much attention to detail, art and the story.
Example for the 2nd one:
"I don't really care about the details but as long as its good or mediocre or if its still bearable to read, i can read it"
"The art looks a little off but the story is great so imma just ignore it"
Like the type who just doesn't pay much attention to details.
If you understood whatever the fuck i just said then which person are you? The type who pays attention to the details or the type who doesn't really care all that much about details as long as its bearable to read?
I personally am the one who doesn't pay much attention to details
I’m the second one. But then again, I mostly get lured in by a manga bcz of the artstyle; and I have my own preferences so yea. If the artstyle is good but the plot is bad, I might stay but mostly not. If the plot is good but the artstyle is not to my liking, I’ll probably stay..especially mangas like HxH (not saying it’s ugly or anything but......
29 01,2021