Struggles of ADHD/ADD
- *spends an hour looking for something I lost in ten seconds*
-“If you have ADHD why don’t you bounce your leg?”
“I don’t know ¯(º_o)/¯” *proceeds to crack my knuckles, crack my neck, mess with my hair, mess with my lips, pull on my ears, tap my fingers, sway side to side in my chair, and pick at my skin*
-“What the hell are you looking at weirdo?”
*snaps out of zoning out* “S o r r y w h a t?”
-*asks toxic teacher a question ;-;*
“WeLL iF yOu haD actuaLLY LISTENED tO wHat I wAs sAYinG eaRLier yOu woULd KnOw tHe AnSWer.”
-“Fuck is it 6am or 6pm?”
-“Hey what did you eat for dinner?”
“Crap, I knew I forgot something.”
-“Ugh my mouth is so dry I could use my tongue as sandpaper. C’mon saliva worrrrk please.”
-“How do you find anything when everything’s spread out all over the place?”
“That’s the whole point.”