I saw a question on abortion so I just wanted to hear your opinions on euthanasia too. For people who might not be familiar with it, euthanasia is "the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma". And let's respect everyone's opinion :)
If my family member was suffering through something veryyyyyyyy painful I truly wouldn't want them to live through that and it's up to them to choose. Life is meaningless if you're miserable all the time.... reply
i think that it should be a option for people who are terminally ill, or have gone through a extremely traumatizing experience that they cannot go back from. BUT it should be a long process of consideration and discussion, with medical assitence and documents to prove they are ill. I think that maybe, just maybe, it should have a minimum age. Like ...... reply
I'm not gonna say too much cause I didn't really research about this subject but if the disease is really incurable or irreversible and a considerable time has passed (esp with the coma) I think that it should be considered. If this ever happened to me I would want my family to kill me off. reply