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27 01,2021
Yes, as a fellow gay person I understand, I had the same fears when I came out to friends. But I realized with time that if I couldn't be my honest self with the people I considered friends, then maybe I wasn't around the right people. Friends should like you for you, all of you. It's gonna come out one day right, better to know now than suffer in ......   reply
27 01,2021
yoyo 27 01,2021
i understand that, when i had a crush on a girl and told my fam they were like "pffft no u dont ur too young" even tho i was in yr 7... bruh. anyways if ur friend is chill w it then i think its worth a shot :D and tell her to not tell her fam bc if they strict christian then high probability they are homophobic :(   reply
27 01,2021
I'm bi and I spontaneously came out to three people. My best friend who was super supporting but in the end she told everyone about it and it was really hard for me because I had to deny it like my ass was on fire. Then I told my friend who I knew for 8 years and she was pretty chill and accepted me really well. The other was my crush and I think i......   1 reply
07 02,2021
Lumi 27 01,2021
I know you guys are close but I think she should accept you even though she has a very religious family and I don't think she would tell them? But why not ask her how she feels about it? Maybe it'll be easier knowing how she feels about it first before telling her ️ I wish you the best of luck   reply
27 01,2021
i cant help you there but im rooting for it to go the way you want it to (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧' (im a closeted bisexual in her early twenties, yeah...)   reply
27 01,2021
As a fellow lesbian i think you should trust her and tell it to her. When i first came out i came out to my friend who i have known for like 4 years( i haven't told my parents yet tho) and she was surprised but she was like " dude that is like so cool". Maybe so like she might also say the same thing(but like idk). People are very open minded now a......   reply
27 01,2021
i've come out to all my classmates that i'm bi and they were like "nyeh ok then, moving on" but i haven't come out to my family but i'm not planning to   reply
27 01,2021
My bestfriend opened up to me even though Im from a strict Christian Family and she liked me, I was chill about it and we're still friends. I'm not saying that this is gonna be the same to every situation (Tho I hope everone is okay with someone close to them being a part of LGBTQ), but I'm saying you should try it out. For me, I feel like there's......   reply
27 01,2021
i think it depends on your will to tell her? if you dont feel any hesitation and youre ready to face the consequences of telling her, then go for it. but if youre still a bit scared, its better to take things slow. her family has no business of knowing your sexual orientation, what only matters is your friend. i wish you good luck   reply
07 02,2021

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