Answer these questions truthfully
Stalk anyone on any social media (like Internet star or celebrity) [ Stalk as in looking at there profile for about 15 or more mins]
2. Cheated off someone at least once in your life
YES/NO ( if so feel to to explain why lol)
3. Argued with you friend/ group for the most stupidest reason
4. Spend 3 hours on here
5. Believe that you seen a ghost before
6. You can't remember what you dream about last night
7. If mathematics was a person you would murder it
8. Do you get scared when the lights get off at night when you are alone at your home or hear a noise, for example like the tiking of clock because it's so quite
9. Asked useless question in class and people laugh
10.You were on your phone in a sleeping position and did ever your phone hits you on your face?
11. Have you ever wore your sister’s/ brother's shoes
12.Slept with earphones and music playing on all night
13. Stare into space because your bored
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NO, YES (I was getting a suspicious amount of C's and wanted to make sure i wasn't the only one), YES, YES, YES (when i was little, I don't remember how old but when i was younger my and my sister's room is right next to a room that used to belong to my aunt but she moved out so it was empty something about that room i should mention is that the cl......
27 01,2021