i shoved sand up my ass and now it’s stings
i’m sorry if i click baited you. this was the only thing i could do for people to click on this.
english isn’t my first language so please excuse my grammatical errors.
So i own a discord server with best friend and Not too long ago i had a fight with him and with another person for calling him out for saying the n word. He’s been saying it for a long time and i never said anything about it until this person stood up to him. Of course i had to side with them because i kinda had a problem with it too bc he isn’t black so he shouldn’t be saying it.
He keeps saying that the N word is just a word and that there’s not meaning behind it aswell as the f slur. He knows that i like girls and he’s cool with it. Now he’s upset and disappointed in me for not backing him up before and kept saying “why’d you back someone up who you barely even know!?!” I also might’ve unbanned that same person without his permission before.
But now i feel conflicted. He said i shouldn’t have taken sides and instead tried to solve the problem in a different way. even though it’s obvious that he’s in the wrong from saying the N word?
I’m on thin ice with him rn and i’m worried about our friendship. So i completely left the server for now hoping that this’ll all be over.
and i have no idea what to do now. we haven’t had a normal convo and he isn’t texting me like he was before.this might sound dumb but what do i do? he is the one and only friend that i have. And he knows most of my secrets and shit.
I think u should give him a little space first than apologize to him for not sticking up for him than tell him that u wasn't ok with it even when he first said n word and try educate him. slavery wasnt long ago but people treat it as it was belive me in my country there is a product called n*gro they still didnt change the name and because it was n......
26 01,2021