Annoying the Math Teacher

Papi Jawline Papi Jawline 2021-01-26 05:02:40 About breaking rules in class
In math literally all my friends and I would do is terrorize my math teacher because she gives us bad grades for no reason and never emails our parents back. So one time we I brought a big bag of Purell singles (if you don't know what those are they are hand sanitizer packets) I gave one out to all my friends and every time she looked at us we would use one and throw the trash on the floor. We also did a bunch more things such as screaming in the middle class, going back and forth to the trash can throwing each individual thing away, sleeping in the middle of class, commentating every single thing she says, talking in class. I know we sound like bad kids but this teacher has been out for blood ever since my first day of school (I've had her for multiple years)


Bathroom February 27, 2021 6:40 am

PERIOD ┗( T﹏T )┛


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