I saw this post

and I realized that it's true. Now I'm not sure if it happens alot in bl. But in straight stories it happens alot and the guy ALWAYS looks like that. Is it a cultural thing? Here is another example.

Cuz I noticed in the harem stories, it is just one woman with different hair colors and clothes. Everyone looks like this.

I'm not upset because I know that is just a beauty standard. But what about the rapey fat men? Why do they always look like that?
Shower thoughts
This happens al the time in hentai. But in yaoi the rapist character is handsome and almost always end up with the mc so all is forgotten.
Yeahh other people would hate those old fat men but when it comes to a attractive character (whos a r*pist too) , they would simp
is the creator disgusting if they make their story a young women getting raped by an old man?